Developer: Getting started

The following section is meant as an instructive example of how BatchQ can be used to automate simple tasks such as logging on to a server and creating a configuration file. This first section is somewhat basic stuff, but important, nevertheless, since BatchQ is designed to be different from your normal Python programs in its structure. All the key classes are shortly described here.

Imagine that you want to open Bash, go to Documents in your home folder and create a text file. With Bash commands for this would be

cd ~/Documents
echo Hello world > hello.txt

In this tutorial we will automate this task. If you are eager to use BatchQ and do not really care about the underlying functionality you probably should skip right away to one of the examples of job automation:

  1. Example: CreateFile
  2. Example: CreateFileAndDirectory
  3. Example: CreateFileSSH

However, it is strongly recommended that you go through all the examples to get a basic understanding of the structure of BacthQ, how it works and what you can do with it.

Processes and Pipes

While it is not necessary to understand the concepts of Processes and Pipes in order to use BatchQ, it surely is useful in order to get a picture of the whole structure of this package. If you are familiar with Pexpect <> you are already familiar with some of the key concepts of BatchQ. BatchQ provides a classes which have some similarities with Pexpect, yet differs in a number of ways, the most significant being that BatchQ communication with the terminal and expect functionality has been seperated into two classes: Process and BasePipe. The Process class provides methods for communicating directly with a process with no intepretation of the output, whereas BasePipe implements output interpretation and expect functionality.

Unlike Pexpect, Process does not apply which on the command passed as the constructor argument and this command must be applied manually. In the following example we open a instance of Bash writes “echo Hello world” and read the output:

from batchq.core.process import Process
from batchq.core.utils import which

print "Starting bash found at", which("bash")
x = Process(which("bash"))

# Waits until we have the prompt
while x.getchar() != "$": pass

# Sends a command to the terminal
x.write("echo Hello world\n")

# And read the response
print ""
print "The response is:"
print ""
print "The full buffer is:"
print x.buffer

This code produces following output

Starting bash found at /bin/bash

The response is:
 echo Hello world
Hello world

The full buffer is:
[?1034hbash-3.2$ echo Hello world
Hello world

Here we are essentially communicating with the process at the most basic level and we have to interpret every character returned. Especially, it should be noted that escape characters are not interpreted in any way and also that the response from contains the echo of the command. Both of these features are somewhat inconvenient when ones to communicate with a process.

The BasePipe class overcome the inconvenience of the Process class by implementing expect

from batchq.core.process import Process
from batchq.core.communication import BasePipe
from batchq.core.utils import which

class BashTerminal(BasePipe):
    def __init__(self):
        pipe = Process(which("bash"), terminal_required = True)
        expect_token ="#-->"
        submit_token ="\n"
        super(BashTerminal, self).__init__(pipe, expect_token, submit_token, initiate_pipe)        

    def initiate_pipe(self):
        self.pipe.write("export PS1=\"%s\"" % self._expect_token)
    def echo(self, msg):
        return self.send_command("echo %s"%msg)

x = BashTerminal()
print "Response: "
print x.echo("Hello world")
print ""
print "VT100 Buffer:"
print x.buffer
print ""
print "Pipe Buffer:"
print x.pipe_buffer

which produces

Hello world

VT100 Buffer:
export PS1="#-->"bash-3.2$ export PS1="#-->"
#-->echo Hello world
Hello world

Pipe Buffer:
export PS1="#-->"[?1034hbash-3.2$ export PS1="#-->"
#-->echo Hello world
Hello world

The properties pipe and pipe_buffer are references to the Process object and the Process.buffer, respectively. As with the first example we see that the process buffer contains VT100 characters. However, the BasePipe uses a VT100 interpreter to ensure that the output in BasePipe.buffer looks like what you would see if you where interacting with a terminal yourself. This is important as it eases the development process of pipelines.

The separation of Process and BasePipe ensures that unsupported platforms in the future can be supported. In order to make BatchQ work on unsupported system (i.e. Windows at the moment) one has to write a new Process module for the platform. Once a Process class exists BasePipe implements all the features needed to efficiently communicate with an instance of a process.


Pipelines are subclasses of BasePipe which are intended for a specific program like the example in the previous section. BatchQ is shipped with many different pipelines found in batchq.pipelines which among others contain BashTerminal, SSHTerminal and SFTPTerminal. The SSHTerminal subclasses BashTerminal and replaces the process instance with an SSH instance. This in term means that any program written for BashTerminal works with SSHTerminal which is handy as you might want to develop a program locally and once working, deploy it using SSH.

We are going to give an example of how this is done in the following code:

from import BashTerminal

class CreateFileBash(object):
    def __init__(self,directory, command): = directory
        self.command = command
        self.terminal = BashTerminal()        

    def create_dir(self):
        home = self.terminal.home()

        if not self.terminal.exists(
        return self

    def create_file(self):
        return self

if __name__=="__main__":
    instance = CreateFileBash("Documents/DEMO_Bash", "echo hello new directory > hello.txt")
    instance.command = "echo Hello Python world > hello.txt"

With this code we have solved the initial problem, and moreover, the code is easily extended to support SSH by subclasssing CreateFileBash and replacing the terminal:

from import SSHTerminal

class CreateFileSSH(CreateFileBash):
    def __init__(self,directory, command, server, username, password):
        self.terminal = SSHTerminal(server, username, password)        
        super(CreateFileSSH,self).__init__(directory, command)

if __name__=="__main__":
    import getpass
    user = raw_input("Username:")
    pasw = getpass.getpass()
    instance = CreateFileSSH("Documents/DEMO_SSH", "echo Hello SSH > hello.txt", "localhost",user,pasw)

This clearly demonstrates the power of using a standards for the various terminal implementations. The function calls used here would be also be possible to implement on a Windows machine, and thus, in this way we have a universal script that works independent of the system it is on.

BatchQ Basics

Next to the pipelines and processes, the BatchQ module contains five other important classes: BatchQ, WildCard, Property, Controller and Function. BatchQ is the general model which your class should inherit. It provides the functionality for manging pipelines, properties, and function queues. In short, any BatchQ script is a class that subclasses BatchQ and have one or more of WildCard, Property, Controller and Function defined. The general structure of a BatchQ class is

class SubmissionModel(batch.BatchQ):
    param1 = Property("default value 1")
    param2 = Property("default value 2")
    # ...

    terminal1 = Controller(Class1, arg1, arg2, ...)
    t1_fnc1 = Function().a().b()
    t1_fnc2 = Function().c().d()
    # ...

    terminal2 = Controller(Class2, arg1, arg2, ...)

    t2_fnc1 = Function().e(param1).f(param2)
    t2_fnc2 = Function().g().h()
    # ...

    def userdef1(self):
        # ...

    def userdef2(self):
        # ...

Properties are input parameters for the automation model you are creating, controllers are pipeline holders and functions are queues of function calls that will be invoked on the class through the controller. Thus, calling SubmissionModel().t1_fnc2() would result in two function calls: instance.a() and instance.b() with instance = Class1(arg1, arg2, ...). It is possible to use the parameters as function arguments as done in line 14. Upon realisation of the function calls param1 and param2 are fetched. They may be changed using the normal assignment operator before the function call to change their value. Get an idea how this works we will in the following go through some simple examples.

Example: Hello world

In this example we demonstrate how a function queue is invoked on the pipeline:

from batchq.core import batch
class Pipeline(object):

    def hello_world(self):
        print "Hello world"

    def hello_batchq(self):
        print "Hello BatchQ"

class HelloWorld(batch.BatchQ):
    ctrl = batch.Controller(Pipeline)
    fnc = batch.Function().hello_world().hello_batchq()

instance = HelloWorld()

This code results in following output

Hello world
Hello BatchQ

What happens is:

  1. A controller is defined which creates an instance pipe of the Pipeline class.
  2. Next a function fnc is defined as the sequence of function calls ”.hello_world(), .hello_batchq()”
  3. When fnc is called two function calls, pipe.hello_world() and pipe.hello_batchq() are made.

It is worth noting that the function queue is abstract, meaning that the queue accept any calls - errors will first occur when instance.fnc() is called.

Example: Hello parameter

Next we extend the previous program introducing a parameter

from batchq.core import batch
class Pipeline(object):

    def hello(self,who):
        print "Hello",who

class HelloParam(batch.BatchQ):
    message = batch.Property("Parameter")
    ctrl = batch.Controller(Pipeline)
    fnc = batch.Function().hello(message)

ins1 = HelloParam("Second Instance")
ins2 = HelloParam()
ins2.message = "Property"

Three lines of output are produces here:

Hello Parameter
Hello Property
Hello Second Instance

each corresponding to a call to fnc(). This code shows how a parameter can be passed on to a function call. It is important to notice that the parameter can be changed even after creating an instance of an object and that properties are not static members of the class, i.e. different instances may have different values. Finally, it is worth noticing that properties becomes constructor arguments of the BatchQ subclass.

Example: Hello error I

The default of BatchQ is that all errors raised are suppressed by the Function queue. You can, however, force BatchQ to raise errors by setting the parameter verbose of the function object:

from batchq.core import batch
class ErrorTest(batch.BatchQ):
    ctrl = batch.Controller(object)
    fnc1 = batch.Function(verbose=True).hello_world("Hello error")
    fnc2 = batch.Function(verbose=False).hello_world("Hello error")

instance = ErrorTest()
    print "An error occured in fnc1"
    print "An error occured in fnc2"

Example: Hello error II

The BatchQ function also is given the possibility to raise errors. It is done in the following way:

from batchq.core import batch

class Model(batch.BatchQ):
    ctrl = batch.Controller(object)
    fnc1 = batch.Function().Qthrow(exception = StandardError("Custom error class"))
    fnc2 = batch.Function().Qthrow("Standard error")


The throw function ignores the verbose option on the Function object and is always thrown.

Example: Function Inheritance

Common jobs such as changing into a working directory is often done in several procedures when making a batch script. For this reason BatchQ allows you to inherit earlier defined functions

from batchq.core import batch

class Pipe(object):
    def display(self, msg):
        print msg

class Inherits(batch.BatchQ):
    ctrl = batch.Controller(Pipe)
    fnc1 = batch.Function().display("Hello world")
    fnc2 = batch.Function(fnc1).display("Hello world II")


Upon inheritance the entire queue from fnc1 is copied meaning that the result stack of fnc1 is not populated as it would have been with a function call.

Example: Function Calls

Often it is useful to divide jobs into subprocedures. For this purpose it can often be necessary to do function calls. Function calls are also allowed with BatchQ

from batchq.core import batch

class Pipe(object):
    def display(self, msg):
        print msg
        return msg

class CallIt1(batch.BatchQ):
    ctrl = batch.Controller(Pipe)
    fnc1 = batch.Function().display("Hello world")
    fnc2 = batch.Function().display("Before call").Qcall(fnc1).display("After call") \

print ""

class CallIt2(batch.BatchQ):
    _ = batch.WildCard()
    ctrl = batch.Controller(Pipe)
    fnc1 = batch.Function().display("Hello world")
    fnc2 = batch.Function().Qjoin(fnc1, " II").display(_)


One important thing to note here is that it is the Function object that is passed on as argument and not Function(). The reason is that we are creating a reference model, the queue, and not performing an actual call during the construction of the class.


TODO: Explain the concept of a wildcard

In the following example we define five different wild cards. The first wildcard _ pops the result stack and the second _r pops the result stack in reverse order - that is, if _, _ produces “a”, “b”, then _r, _r produces “b”,”a”.

from batchq.core import batch

class TestPipe4(object):
    fnc1 = lambda self: "Function 1"
    fnc2 = lambda self: "Function 2"
    fnc3 = lambda self: "Function 3"
    fnc4 = lambda self: "Function 4"
    fnc5 = lambda self: "Function 5"

    def display(self, msg):
        print "1: ", msg
        return "Display function I"

    def display2(self, msg1, msg2):
        print "2: ", msg1, msg2
        return "Display Function II"

class Q6(batch.BatchQ):
    _ = batch.WildCard()
    _r = batch.WildCard(reverse = True)
    _l = batch.WildCard(lifo = False)
    _lr = batch.WildCard(lifo = False, reverse = True)
    _3 = batch.WildCard(select = 3)

    pipe = batch.Controller(TestPipe4)

    call_fnc = batch.Function() \
        .fnc1().fnc2().fnc3() \

    test1 = batch.Function(call_fnc).display(_)
    test2 = batch.Function(call_fnc).display2(_,_)
    test3 = batch.Function(call_fnc).display2(_r,_r)
    test4 = batch.Function(call_fnc).display2(_l,_l)
    test5 = batch.Function(call_fnc).display2(_lr,_lr)
    test6 = batch.Function(call_fnc).display(_3)

instance = Q6()

Example: CreateFile

At this point we have significantly insight into the structure of BatchQ to write a realisation of the initial problem: creating a script that creates a directory:

from batchq.core import batch
from import BashTerminal
from import SSHTerminal

class CreateFile1(batch.BatchQ):
  _ = batch.WildCard()

  directory = batch.Property()
  command = batch.Property()

  terminal = batch.Pipeline(BashTerminal)

  create_file = batch.Function() \
      .home().chdir(_) \

  instance = CreateFile1("Documents", "echo hello world > hello.txt")

While this code is short and very easy to read, it obviously have shortcomings: The code will fail if the directory does not already exist. In order to resolve this issue we need to use some built-in functions to do simple if statements.

Built-in Do-function

Example: CreateFileAndDirectory

With the do we can now extend our previous script and ensure that the directory is created if it does not exist:

from batchq.core import batch
from import BashTerminal

class CreateFileAndDirectory(batch.BatchQ):
    _ = batch.WildCard()
    directory = batch.Property()
    command = batch.Property()

    terminal = batch.Controller(BashTerminal)

    create_dir = batch.Function() \
        .home().chdir(_) \
        .exists(directory).Qdon(1).mkdir(directory, True) \
    create_file = batch.Function(create_dir) \

Example: Short version

While the previous code is pretty taking into consideration what it does it can still be made shorter. One of the neat features of function queues are that you can predefine certain patterns - as for instance creating a directory in your home directory:

from batchq.core import batch
from import BashTerminal
from import home_create_dir, send_command

class CreateFileShort(batch.BatchQ):
    _ = batch.WildCard()
    directory = batch.Property()
    command = batch.Property()

    terminal = batch.Controller(BashTerminal)

    create_dir = home_create_dir(directory,_)
    create_file = send_command(command, inherits = create_dir)

Overwriting Controllers

A key feature of BatchQ is that you can overwrite controllers from your previous models. This means that once you have made a model for one pipeline you can use it on another one by simply overwriting the controller. In the following we overwrite the controller for one pipeline with a new controller for another pipeline:

from batchq.core import batch

class Pipe(object):
    def hello(self, msg):
        print msg

class Model1(batch.BatchQ):
    ctrl = batch.Controller(Pipe)
    fnc = batch.Function(verbose=True).hello("Hello from FNC")

class ReplacementPipe(object):
    def hello(self, msg):       
        print msg[::-1]

class Model2(Model1):
    ctrl = batch.Controller(ReplacementPipe)


The replacement pipeline reverses the string and the code produces the following output

Hello from FNC
CNF morf olleH

Example: CreateFileSSH

Clearly, the previous example comes in handy when we want to extent our script to support SSH:

from import SSHTerminal
import getpass

class CreateFileSSH(CreateFileShort):
    server = batch.Property()
    username = batch.Property()
    password = batch.Property()
    terminal = batch.Controller(SSHTerminal, server, username, password)

user = raw_input("Username:")
pasw = getpass.getpass()
instance = CreateFileSSH("Documents/DEMO_SSH", "echo Hello SSH > hello.txt", "localhost",user,pasw)

The three new properties are appended to the constructor arguments.