Tutorial: nohup Remote Submission

In this tutorial we are going to write a submission module using nohup. Actually, we will not use nohup itself as this is a rather unstable application, but instead we will use the bash equivalent ([command] ) as this is a much more stable method.

Basic functionality

By now we have already written the first many small classes using BatchQ and therefore, the only thing we really need to know is which parameters the class should depend on and which methods we should implement.

A nohup module should take a command as input parameter as well as a working directory. It should implement the methods startjob, isrunning and clean. Subsequently, these function would need a function that enters the working directory and a function that checks whether a process is running. The implementation is straight forward:

from batchq.core.library import Library
from batchq.core import batch
from batchq.pipelines.shell.bash import BashTerminal
from batchq.shortcuts.shell import home_create_dir, send_command

class NoHUPStart(batch.BatchQ):
    _r = batch.WildCard(reverse = True)
    _ = batch.WildCard()

    input_directory = batch.Property()
    working_directory = batch.Property()
    command = batch.Property()

    terminal = batch.Controller(BashTerminal)

    workdir = batch.Function() \
        .home().chdir(_).exists(working_directory) \

    _set_copy_dirs = batch.Function(workdir, verbose=False) \
        .pjoin(input_directory, "/*").pjoin(working_directory, "/").cp(_r, _r) \

    transfer_infiles = batch.Function(_set_copy_dirs , verbose=False)
        .cp(_r, _r).don(1).throw("Failed to transfer files.")

    transfer_outfiles = batch.Function(_set_copy_dirs, verbose=False) \
        .cp(_, _).don(1).throw("Failed to transfer files.")

    startjob = batch.Function(workdir) \
        .join("(", command, " > .bacthq.output & echo $! > .batchq.pid )").send_command(_) 

    transfer_startjob = batch.Function(transfer_infiles) \

    getpid = batch.Function(workdir) \

    isrunning = batch.Function(get_pid) \

    wasstarted = batch.Function(workdir) \

    log = batch.Function(wasstarted) \

    clean = batch.Function(wasstarted) \
        .do(1).rm(".batchq.*", force = True)

if __name__=="__main__":
    dir1 = raw_input("Enter a input directory: ")
    dir2 = raw_input("Enter a output directory: ")
    cmd = raw_input("Enter a command: ")
    x = NoHUPStart(dir1, dir2, cmd)
    while True:
#    print "1) Transfer input files"
#    print "2) Submit job"
#    print "3) Transfer input and submit job"

#    print "4) Check if it was started"
#    print "5) Check if it is running"
#    print "6) Transfer output files"
#    print "7) Show log"
#    print "8) Clean up"

#    print "Q) Quit"
#    print ""
#    choice = raw_input("# :")

Full functionality